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Showing posts from October, 2021

The Hardware is Hard Discussion

We all stand on silicon and marvelled at it’s abundance being a semiconductor empowering agriculture, construction and most importantly the technology industry. I just want to shed some light on how it affects African hardware developers through my lens. The term   hardware is hard  is a common phrase among its developers. As a student of electronics and electrical engineering in my university, the theories were taught and the projects were given to spur us to be future developers. But who still wants to develop hardware after having the certificate? — Not even our lecturers if they have a better offer. The best we get is people teaching the practical concepts — a new initiative I am proud of and might write on in future articles. The struggle starts with getting hardware components to build a power supply module (pray you didn’t buy a fake one). You then work with integrated circuits (remote-controlled projects (high and low)), micro-controllers, sensors (signal ac or signal dc), and

A Word with the Oracles in Africa

If you have ever watched African movies, you might know that oracles are like all knoweth and are consulted in times of need. They speak the voice of the gods and depict the wishes that are in the best interest of their people. In the world of data, professionals like us are like the herbalist whom help seekers can’t do without. The open-ended question is how do we build that unbiased oracle? Looking back to history, oracles stem from beliefs and the power of knowing the future based on past and future predictions. The mystic incantation of the herbalist (model building process) sets the tone for the divination which yields a result (prediction). In the world of machines filled with big data, take it or leave it AI is fast turning into a computerized oracle. Feel free to disagree that an oracle means a firm or sets of cabals but in the world of machines where I speak, an oracle can be seen as an ai bot. We consult the oracle when we have a question. Machine learning engineers are like